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Presenter sample pages

When you install Windows Media Presenter for Microsoft PowerPoint 97, a set of sample Web pages is installed as well. You can customize these pages to create your own Windows Media Presenter scenario.

The pages were written using European Computer Manufacturer's Association (ECMA) Script, which is compatible with both Microsoft Jscript and Netscape JavaScript. Knowledge of HTML and Active Server Page authoring is recommended. Windows Media Presenter can be used with both Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 and Netscape Navigator version 4.0 clients.

The Windows Media Presenter sample pages can be found in the SystemDrive\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Tools\Presenter folder on your computer. The first set of files are used on the initial page when a client first connects to your Presenter site. The initial page shows the name of the presentation, the time it starts, and a countdown timer indicating how much time is left before the presentation starts. Running in the background on this page, a control preloads images into the client computer's cache for quick access during the presentation.

This table details the function of these files.

File name Function
Clbl.class A label control that counts down the time to the start of the presentation for Netscape Navigator clients.
Default.asp The initial page that a user enters. The script in this page verifies that the client is using a supported Web browser and operating system. If the client configuration is not supported, a message appears.
Filelist.htm Use this page to list all the images used in the presentation. This list is only used if you are providing content to Netscape Navigator clients or are not using the Windows Media multicast file transfer service. In that case, the files listed here are transferred to the browser cache using the standard file transfer protocol.
Global.asa This file defines the properties of the Windows Media Presenter event. See Customizing Global.asa.
Showmult.asp This page is loaded if the MULTICAST variable in the Global.asa file is set to true. This page checks to see if Microsoft Windows Media Player and the File Transfer Service (FTS) control are installed on the client. If they are not, then they are installed. The page then begins to transfer slides into the computer's cache using the FTS control. This page also provides the countdown timer to the user, showing how much time remains before the presentation is to start. If an error is encountered in the Global.asa file, a message appears.
Showreg.asp This page is loaded if a Netscape Navigator client is detected or if the MULTICAST variable in the Global.asa file is set to false. This page checks to see if Windows Media Player is installed on the client. If it is not, the player is installed. It calls the Filelist.htm file and loads the images specified in the array into the client computer's cache. It also shows when the presentation is going to start and a countdown timer.

This folder contains two subfolders: First and Images. First contains the pages used once the presentation starts. Images contains .gif files that are referenced in the pages found in First.

The functions of the pages in SystemDrive\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Tools\Presenter\First are described in the following table.

File name Function
Bleft.asp This page is called by the Default.asp file and loads Windows Media Player into the upper section of the left frame. If the player has not been installed, it installs the player. This file uses values set in the Global.asa file to locate the content stream.
Bottom.htm This file sets the lower border.
Default.asp This is the page that users automatically switch to once the presentation start time is reached. Windows Media Player appears in the upper left frame and shows the speaker. The presentation slides appear in the right frame.
Download.asp This page is used for Netscape Navigator clients that do not have Windows Media Player installed. It provides instructions for the user on how to download the player manually.
Empty.htm This is an empty page provided for further customization.
Le.asp This page is called by the Default.asp file to set the table attributes and to continue downloading slides into the client computer's cache using a lower-bandwidth stream.
Led.htm This page sets the borders around the page.
Left.htm This page sets the left-frame border.
Right.htm This page sets the right-frame border.
Sdisplay.asp This page calls the slides into the right frame.
Tb.htm This page sets the upper border of the page.
Test.htm This page is used to test the frame settings for a Netscape Navigator client.
Top.htm This page sets the upper border of the right frame.


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